25. Oktober 2019, 19 Uhr
Queerer Abend zum Austauschen
26. Oktober 2019, ab 11 Uhr
WO: ArchFem, Zollerstraße 7, Innsbruck
Ein queerer Abend von und für die Community. Für alle, die sich außerhalb heteronormativer L(i)ebensweisen bewegen. Zum Austauschen, zum Träumen, zum Genießen, zum Tüfteln, zum Lachen, zum Reden,
zum Fein-Haben.
mit Between 0 and 1 is a non-binary state, mit Christine Abdel Halim, mit Julie Crantelle & Théo Majcher von Alter Ego (X), mit Dir.
Eigene Texte, Musik, Ideen und Gedanken herzlich willkommen!
Kreativwerkstatt mit Julie Crantelle und Théo Majcher von ALTER EGO (X)
[englisch, deutsch, französisch]
“Tennesse Williams said: “What is straight? A line can be straight or a street but the human heart, oh no, it’s curved like a road through mountains.” What about
to explore all these roads through the mountains? The human-being is full of resources and richnesses. Thus, is it possible not to take in consideration all the things that are
moving into us? There are always been people who felt this great range of roads within themselves. Human-beings who needed to express themselves.” ALTER EGO (X) - Théo
Majcher, Julie Crantelle
The idea: To let people belonging to the queer community express themselves, to encourage them to share their ideas, their feelings. To support those who would like to say
something about their experience through the arts and especially immersive theatre. The use of arts is a great means to show the preciousness of human-beings. The immersive theatre gathers the
audience in a place which is not a theatre. Thus it is a great way to reach people who would perhaps never have made the choice to go to theatre.
For all those who move outside heteronormative ways of living and loving.
An invitation and a room to get creative together, to share experiences, thoughts and ideas!